Your Name Your Email Your Country
Will you attend the DE 2019 workshop? YesNoMaybe
How many delegates from your country will be attending? 12More
Are you attending the session "discussions on databases" on 9 April approx 16:00-18:00? YesNoMaybe
If interested in the session: please let us know any related questions/issues you'd like to discuss:
Will you attend the welcome reception (approx 19h)? YesNoMaybe
What are your agenda suggestions for the workshop (list at least one)? Regulatory-level only.
Certification Bodies Session: what are your questions or topics of interest? i.e. TÜV SüD and Bureau Veritas Polska will attend.
European Commission Session: what are your questions or topics of interest? Please avoid policy discussions and mainly focus on regulatory level.
Will you attend the networking dinner (approx 19h)? YesNo What is your food preference for the networking dinner on? FishMeatVegetarianVeganOther request - please consult with menot attending
Group work session: what is your preferred area of interest? FQD matters: ie. UERs, 6% target, electricityREDII matters: ie. extend of ‘supervision’, low and high ILUC risk feedstocks etc
Group work session: we are looking for volunteers to assist preparing/moderating discussions similar to our recent NL workshop (i.e. FQD reportings / REDII regulatory challenges / dealing with Annex IXa). Would you be interested in helping us to prepare the group work activities? Or are you interested in certain topics for the group work discussions?
Are you interested in attending the field trip to the German national center for aerospace, energy and transportation researchapprox 1400-1700? YesNoMaybe
Are you interested in attending a dinner at a typical brewery in Cologne, right after the field trip? YesNoMaybe